Why you should NOT use exercise in order to eat more food!

Why you shouldn’t use calories burned to eat more (if your goal is weight loss)…..

For starters, fitness trackers (great for accountability) but are inaccurate. Here are two studies:



A 300-500 calorie deficit is needed to lose weight. If we workout and THINK we’ve burned 500 calories, and think ok….now I have “earned” 500 calories more….you’ve now put yourself back into maintenance and will no longer be in your deficit.

Your “activity level” is factored into your deficit already.

We don’t need to “earn” the food we eat! That can also lead to a disordered relationship with exercise!

When you hear you can’t out exercise a good diet…..here’s what that means:

Calorie deficit to lose weight. Eating nutrient dense foods consistently to fuel our body and overall health. Exercise to grow muscle, get stronger, fight off osteoporosis, help with arthritis, hormone issues, sleep better, and so much more…..all of that together is a healthy lifestyle.

💥So many people think exercise is how we lose weight. The reality is it’s what you eat, exercise and consistency! Yes, you could technically use exercise to be in your deficit, but it’s hard to track, measure or be accurate. 💥

Jeff Mirgon