“How long did it take you to lose 150 lbs?” That is one of the top five questions I get asked....YEARS! It took years of me doing LITERALLY every fad diet out there looking for a quick and easy weightloss solution. I was restricting foods or under eating, and lost and gained weight more times then I can count. These are only a few of my weight fluctuations.......

The reality is-there is no quick or easy weight loss that is sustainable. Every “diet” works because it throws us into a calorie deficit-NOT because we are restricting foods/food groups or taking some BS supplement or protein shake.

Getting my relationship healthy with food means, I stopped under eating and calculated my calorie deficit. I stopped restricting food. I stopped looking for quick fixes. I stopped trying to “get skinny,” and focused on foods that fueled my body, made me feel better and helped lower my cholesterol, BP, helped with my hypoglycemia and arthritis!

Getting my relationship with exercise healthy, means I stopped working out so I could eat more. I stopped focusing on calories I burned and focused on calories I ate. I stopped working out for hours a day!

How long will it take you to lose weight? That’s a loaded question. For starters it’s however long it takes to get your relationship with food/exercise healthy….and consistent. Then you have to get into YOUR calorie deficit. (Every persons required calories will be different). After that it’s consistency! The goal is to lose 1-3 lbs per week. Anything more the that is typically water weight and not fat loss!

How many times have you lost and gained weight? How many diets have you been on? How many diets have you done? The diet industry is a billion dollar/year industry! It makes $ off of repeat customers....

Focus on your health! Stop looking for fast and focus on SUSTAINABLE! Don’t over complicate it.

Calorie deficit + exercise consistently are key for weight loss!

Eating nutrient dense foods is key for health.

Moderation is key for sustainability!

( Even if you have hormone/medical issues....once addressed by a physician, one needs to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight!)


Jeff Mirgon