Can you count how many years you’ve been on a diet? Are you always trying to lose weight?

I can’t....because it’s been too many years! Almost my entire adult life.

Most people put so much focus on “looking good,” or getting to a specific (and a lot of times unrealistic) weight on the scale. Losing weight isn’t just about aesthetics.....but it also has an impact on both our physical and mental health. Working out and eating foods to fuel our bodies is so much bigger then fitting into a certain size clothing.

I get asked all the time “what diet did you do to lose the weight?” THERE IS NO DIET! I stopped eating like an unsupervised 8yr old in a candy store and started making choices that made my body FEEL better and help me get healthier....while in MY calorie deficit-NOT under eating! (There’s a difference)

There’s so much talk about self care.....and that isn’t just getting a pedicure or a spa day. That’s how you treat your body-both inside and out! It’s not something you do for a few months to drop’s a way of living for the rest of your life.

It’s something I have to do EVERY DAY! It’s a habit, not motivation. It’s a priority.

It doesn’t have to be restrictive, all or nothing or just has to be consistent!

Stop the diet cycle! Make the CHOICE to get healthy!

Jeff Mirgon