How many Calories sHould you eat to lose weight?

There is a HUGE misconception out there that we have to eat 1200 calories to lose weight. That is simply not true. We have to be in a calorie deficit. The short explanation is, you need to find the base calories your body needs to survive, and subtract 500 calories per day.

EVERY a persons required number of calories to lose will be different based on current weight, age and activity level.

You can take your current weight x 15 -500. OR your goal weight x 12.

If you are someone who says “well... I’m eating less then 1000 calories or 1200 calories or even 1400 calories a day since January and I’m not losing”....then what you are doing is not working. You may in fact be not eating enough OR a you are NOT in a calorie deficit!!!!

I can’t tell you the amount of messages I get from people that are eating so little, when I tell them they need to eat more-they refuse because of this mindset that eating less will make you lose faster. Big picture....doesn’t work like that.

*Once hormones/medical issues are addressed by a medical professional, to lose weight, it’s still calorie deficit. Yes, at times it may be more challenging-but it’s doable!*

Like anything-don’t take my word, do your research! You literally do not need to starve, be hungry, food obsessed or restrict food groups to lose weight.

Insanity-doing the same things over and over, expecting the same results. If what you are doing is not working-CHANGE! It takes time, it’s not always going to be comfortable, it won’t always be linear, but you can do this. You have the power!

Jeff Mirgon