Are you “EATING clean/HEALTHY” but not losing weight?

I constantly hear from clients “I’m eating 1200 calories a day, or I’m eating clean, but not losing weight....” but when I ask if they are eating in their calorie deficit they make all kinds of excuses why they are not. Most children need at least 1200-1400 calories a day, let alone an adult. The more your current body weight is when you start your weight loss, the more calories you will need to lose weight.

So...when this magical number of 1200 calories/day isn’t working, when I say to eat more.....people refuse to do it because psychologically we’ve somehow been programmed that 1000-1400 calories a day is how we lose weight! EVERY BODY is different, and every BODY will require a different number of calories to lose weight.

There are a ton of websites that can help you figure out your number or roughly you can’t take your current body weight in lbs x 15, -300 to 500 calories.

Literally....if what you’re doing isn’t working, why are you still doing it. To lose weight we need to be in a calorie deficit.....NOT under eating! The goal is sustainable weightloss and to eat with healthy habits!

Jeff Mirgon