Sustainable weightloss is a lifelong process!

“What was your diet like when losing weight?” “What foods did you eat to lose weight?” “What exercises did you do while losing weight?”

Here are the answers: the EXACT same as it is now! The ONLY difference is when actively losing weight I was in a calorie deficit. Now I’m in a calorie maintenance. It’s not WHAT foods we that matters (in terms of Weight Loss ) it’s how MUCH….how many calories we eat while actively losing weight. (….but remember, for overall health and how we feel it’s important to eat nutrient dense foods consistently and indulge on occasion, what we do CONSISTENTLY matters!)

As for the workouts-I do the EXACT same now. I had to modify the exercises, lowered the reps and sets…..and kept adding more. The difference is , I can do more NOW because I kept adding and challenging myself as I gained strength and endurance.

Weight loss, fitness….isn’t something that you do for a few months, lose weight and stop. It’s an ONGOING process. It’s a lifestyle. We maintain our hair, with cuts, color, trims, etc….we maintain our skin with creams and treatments, nails with manicures, painting, etc….why do we think our health and weight loss is any different?

No one is always motivated…’s taking small steps to create HABITS that fit our lifestyle…so we have sustainable weight loss/health changes.

(Exercise and good nutrition isn’t just about weight loss/aesthetics….it’s about being healthy and feeling good!)

Jeff Mirgon