What we mean whenwe Say “diets Don’t work”

You did keto, WW, Noom , IF, meal replacement shakes or any other “diet…” and you lost weight. You argue how “it worked for you” on social media. No one is debating one won’t lose weight on a diet. You may have even lost weight FAST. The question is…..how long have you sustained the weightloss once you STOPPED following said diet? ….and it doesn’t necessarily mean it was healthy.

THAT is the issue. Diets are restrictive. They restrict food, food groups, (literally some restrict an entire macronutrient, limit micronutrients) points, times of day you can eat…….but the reason we lose is because all diets throw us into a calorie deficit(because it restricts food, food groups, times that you can eat or replaces meals with shakes) -NOT the diet itself.

The diet industry is a billion dollar industry, making money off of repeat customers. Diets don’t teach a healthy relationship with food/healthy eating habits. (I’ve been 150lbs overweight and have tried every diet out there)


The point of this post: you do not have to restrict foods, food groups or the times of day to lose weight, but you do need to be in a calorie deficit. (If you have hormone, health, menopause issues, etc-you have to eat to fuel your issues, every BODY is different, and treat your medical needs-but if you are in a calorie surplus you won’t lose weight…….so it still applies: it may take more work, but it is doable, don’t give up-I validate your difficulties and frustrations 💕)

The goal is LONG TERM, SUSTAINABLE weight loss so that you don’t have to be on and off diets for your entire life.

Every human is different, I have arthritis and eat very high fiber, plant based (not vegan) and nutrient dense -that may not work for someone who has IBD, Crohns etc. When people say “find what works for you” THAT is what they are referring to…..NOT a diet that restricts you from enjoying the things you love or the times a day you want to eat!

Jeff Mirgon