Don’t know where to start? Feel like it is too late?

I literally had every reason to just give up!

This is a reminder to you: I don’t care how much weightyou’ve gained, how long since it’s been since you’ve worked out, if you just had a baby, in menopause, have hormone/medical issues, or how old you are......


You don’t have to “do all the things” at once. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing......pick ONE goal, ONE day at a time. ONE. We can all do that! Just ONE! Then keep adding and challenging yourself. That’s were change happens.

Keep your expectations realistic! It won’t happen overnight, BUT-you will feel better with each day.

Anything you do is better then nothing at all! I know it’s hard to make that start........but once you do, stay consistent! That’s the key!

YOU CAN! Don’t let your mind talk you out of it! 💕

Jeff Mirgon