“Toning”is not a thing. We can grow or shrink a muscle.

I think the biggest question I get as a trainer is -“how do I tone my legs/arms/abs, etc?” I think people mean “how to I lose fat and look lean so you can see my muscles…..”

What I mean when I say you CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT: we cannot do exercises in any particular area and it will magically lose fat. For example, we cannot do tons of AB exercises and expect our abs to look different. (Just like we cannot pick where we gain fat) we can’t just “tone” our legs, arms, etc.

So to “tone” one has to reduce overall body fat (calorie deficit) and strength train/exercise consistently.

Remember: we workout to grow our muscles. The exercises alone that we do will not miraculously make us look different without a change in what and how we eat!

Calorie deficit for weight loss. Exercise to grow muscles. Change WHAT we eat for overall health. All of that is a healthy lifestyle!

Jeff Mirgon