How long did It take me to lose 150lbs?

How long did it take to lose 150lbs?!

Years! I had to learn healthy habits surrounding food and exercise FIRST. Next I had to change HOW and what I ate.

I had to change my expectations. I didn’t gain weight overnight….I wasn’t going to lose it overnight.

DIETS work because they restrict calories, foods or times if fat to eat….thus putting us into a CALORIE DEFICIT! Restriction isn’t sustainable and that’s why we gain weight back after dieting.

1-2lbs/week is SUSTAINABLE, healthy weight loss. (Some weeks 0lbs) “Fast” weight loss isn’t fat. It’s water weight, bodily fluids and muscle.

Mindset……stop restricting for a quick fix, only to repeat it again in a few months. Moderation with food and exercise…..and stay consistent!


Jeff Mirgon